Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Friends of summer

This summer I have been fortunate to hang out with some pretty cool people. My handsome husband, cousin Travis, Paige Fast, and Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas.

Libby just married one of Tyler's friends and we couldn't agree more with his choice of Libby. She is such a neat girl, makes you feel welcome right away and I have enjoyed spending time with her at a baseball game, their wedding, camping in the mountains, and Sushi/Graples.

I took Paige to a block party and it was a blast. She loved he bounce houses, but not as much as a person in a dog costume. She loved that thing!

Tyler, Travis and I have done tons together this summer. We are so glad that Travis moved to Idaho and are thinking of ways to keep him here forever. Him and Tyler are like twins, so sometimes I can't get a word in or I get picked on...but they are such great guys it is worth it. Haha!

I haven't seen some of my favorite people this summer...hope to soon. I am going to make a point of it in the next couple of weeks.

1 comment:

Jessie Horney said...

I certainly hope i'm one of those people, because i miss you and want to catch up! Girls night next friday (the 24th)?