Monday, August 25, 2008

Clean Clean Clean

Well, although I don't mind cleaning and organizing...I just can't keep up. So this last weekend we had a garage sale, got rid of most of the stuff we put out and made $150! Even though some junk is out of the house it was still a MESS. So, I asked my sister-in-law if I could hire her for a weekend to clean my house. She said yes, and now my house is amazing! Seriously, I love it. And now it is easier to keep up on the cleaning. I feel so blessed that she would help me out like that. It was so great because it was the weekend before I start school full time while still working full time. Yikes! Friday we are having some friends over for dinner and I am not stressed about my house being clean at all! What a great feeling! Thank goodness for Tara, my wonderful sister-in-law.

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