Sunday, July 8, 2012

Simply Splendid Strawberry Lemonade

There are no pictures for this post, because when I was creating this strawberry lemonade I had no idea what I was onto!  It is wonderful!  I poor myself a glass with one hand and pat myself on the back with the other.  Hey, when you are 7.5 month pregnant and longing to meet your little girl it is the simple things in life that keep me distracted.  So, I enjoy each glass with a hand on the glass and one hand on my belly...are you noticing a theme?

Simply Splendid Strawberry Lemonade

2/3 cup lemon juice (I used the store bought kind, but juice from a fresh lemon would work great)
1 cup sugar
1 cup hot water (I just used hot tap water, no boiling for this girl)
10 strawberries
Ice and cold water to end up with 2 quarts of strawberry lemonade

1. Pour 1 cup hot water into your pitcher, add 1 cup sugar and stir until dissolved
2. Add 2/3 cup lemon juice
3. In a small bowl crush up 10 strawberries, then poor strawberry juice and 'pulp' into the pitcher
4. Add a little ice and enough cold water to end up with 2 quarts of strawberry lemonade

I had Tyler help me taste test and the recipe above is our desired sweetness, etc.  You can fool around with it and find what works for you!  YUM!

In the past couple of days I have typed up a cleaning schedule (found here), which I think I am going to love...I also typed up emergency numbers for friends and family that will watch my little love (one for the kitchen and one for the diaper bag)...I typed up the inventory in my pantry and made a to-do list of things we want to get done around the house before Little Miss Crow arrives.  I guess you could say I am nesting!

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