30 weeks
33 weeks
I am officially all belly. You know you are in your third trimester when...
...men you don't know start to ask when you are due
...your ankle bones appear smaller (or is it that my ankles appear bigger)
...baby body parts poke and prod throughout the day
...rolling over becomes an Olympic sport
...sleeping is simply a way to pass the time between bathroom visits
...you day dream about your little ones personality and hair color
...you and your husband look at each other with wide eyes when you realize you will be 'mom and dad' soon
Can't wait to meet Little Miss Crow!
I can't wait for her to make her debut! Praying for you guys.
Excited for you guys.
I love this post! Enjoy the last few weeks as much as you can! Can't wait to meet your darling babygirl after her arrival. Love to you and Tyler, Molly
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