Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Glass Half Full

Well, I am proud to say that I have revamped my outlook on life. I wouldn't say I had a negative outlook, I would say I was a realist. I am a list maker, I go through steps to accomplish a goal and if something doesn't seem feasible I move on. Tyler on the other hand is an optimist. He dreams big!

For the first year of our marriage I can remember Tyler saying that I was "downing" all of his ideas and I had no idea what he meant. I didn't think I was downing them, I just didn't understand how he was going to accomplish his goals. To me it seemed like a waste of time to dream of things that were out of reach.

Well, this summer, while attending a huge conference for work, my outlooked changed. There was a speaker who spoke to women about our outlook on life. She opened my eyes to my negative attitude. So, I took to heart everything she said and went home and tried it out. In the first weekend that I was home Tyler told me that he loved the new Macey. I was laughing more, shaking things off that really didn't matter, and dreaming big. While Tyler noticed the change and people at work noticed the change, no one else really commented. Then, in October, peopel started to notice. My father in law commented that I seemed so much happier. AND I AM!

I have really re-written my outlook and it has benefitted nearly every area of my life. It is so cool to see Tyler now too. I think before, when I was being a "realist," I was crushing his optimistic spirit. Now we both spend most of our time together laughing. Don't get me wrong, I still have my moments (or hours) when I am not so pleasant, but they are fewer and farther between than before!

Anyway, if you can relate to this at all, I would encourage you to change your outlook! We only live once, and why look back and think "I should've laughed more." JUST LAUGH!